RE-2018 Federal Road Safety Corps Recruitment Exercise
This medium is to inform all applicants who applied to FRSC for recruitment into the different cadres to check their emails for updated information on the exercise.
According to a statement by the Corps Public Education Officer, Bisi Kazeem, applicants who do not receive any information through their emails before the date of the exercise are by this notice advised to report to the screening centres chosen in their application forms with the printed summary data page.
In addition, all applicants, irrespective of Cadre applied for, are to come along with the following: originals of their credentials (for sighting), 2 sets of photocopies of credentials, medical certificate of fitness, and 2 passport sized photographs.
Applicants are to also note, for the avoidance of doubt, that they are to appear in white shorts, white round neck T-shirt, canvass and socks for the screening and physical fitness exercise.
CC Bisi Kazeem fsi
Corps Commander
Corps Pubic Education Officer
Date: 21 Sep 2018.